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Acuarela Songs #2Acuarela Songs #2

La compilation "Acuarela Songs", sortie en 2001, a connu un tel succès que le label espagnol Acuarela Discos a décidé de récidiver avec un deuxième volume. Pour cette suite, nous ne pouvions pas les laisser tomber ! Nous avons donc choisi une dizaine de groupes : quelques Français avec Naïm Amor, Don Nino, Guimo, Man et Natural Snow Buildings, un Anglais, James William Hindle et des Américains, The Potomac Accord, Transmissionary Six et Windsor For The Derby.

Le tracklist complet est :

CD 1
- Windsor for the Derby "Logic and Surprise"
- Thalia Zedek "Never that Mean"
- Natural Snow Buildings "With the Rest of Colors I Succeed to Keep"
- Experience "Ali Diallo"
- Jack "Coloured Water"
- Diariu "Imaxe accidental (en cande)"
- L'Altra "Colours"
- Amor "Get Me 'A'"
- Migala "Epílogo para Acuarela"
- Man "Collision"
- Victor at Sea "Heavy Hands"
- James William Hindle "Talkin' Watercoloured Blues"
- Jacques "Portrait of a Teacher"

CD 2
- Manta Ray "Monocromo"
- 27 "One More Tomorrow"
- Bitter Springs "Wasserfarbe"
- Dominique A "Couleur d'eau"
- The Zephyrs "Make Me Lonely"
- Polar "A Cup of Coffee"
- The Strugglers "Noun to Noun"
- P:ano "Oh Them, They Died"
- Grupo Salvaje "Watercolor Summer"
- Encre "A Live Ode to Hard Drive Chamber Music"
- Mus "El naval (demo)"
- Lisabö "Ur Margoa"
- Guimo "Water House"

CD 3
- Lee Ranaldo "Demons Music Part 3 (Nicolas Fucks Liza)"
- The Potomac Accord "The Field Song"
- Anamude "Confetti in the Sea"
- L'Altra "Blanco"
- Green Apple Sea "Watercolour City"
- Don Nino "Paint Me in Watercolours"
- The Sophie Drinker "What Is the Image?"
- Refree "Contra"
- Vitesse "Reflecting Pools"
- Sr. Chinarro "El single chiquichancla"
- Timesbold "Watercolour"
- Transmissionary Six "Almost Every Dog"
- Ursula "Siempre vas a disfrutar mucho con Acuarela"
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