"I was supposed to arrive at 2:30, but the train ahead of ours caught on fire. They put us on buses so we could catch the next high speed train from a different station. The buses got us there late. We missed the train. The information booth was closed. The ticket booth was closed. Yipes. An American student studying German helped me figure out that I could take a local train to Koblenz and then another to Frankfurt. She also let me borrow her cell phone so I could call Eloïse and Laurent and let them know what was happening.
So there I was traveling along a river somewhere in Germany not understanding any of the announcements. I was looking out the window at terraced rock walls and vineyards and castles and a seemingly endless number of enormous hawks swooping down on things. I was wondering if I was even heading in the right direction. I'm not really sure why I wasn't stressed out.
Laurent and his friend Eric met me at the station when my train finally arrived at 8 in the evening. People were already at the house. We walked straight there, had some (really good!) dinner, and I played. I was about a month into a tour where I'd been accompanying a friend on banjo. I wasn't sure I'd remember how to play my own songs. It was also the first time in a month that I didn't play with a smoke machine pumping out enormous billows of fog. Which was a treat.
It was great! People were super nice and we hung out for a long time afterward. I learned some German, which I promptly forgot. I learned about oubapo. The ipod was on shuffle and kept turning up friends of mine, even a song a friend had recorded at my old apartment in San Francisco. Friends, music, home cooked food, a living room with comic books and an enormous record collection, 3 or 4 languages floating around the room. The world seemed really small and impossibly large all at once. I felt at home."
- Matt Bauer
Downloadable mp3s
1 - "Western States"
00:04:48 / 5.49 MB
2 - "Rose And Vine"
00:03:23 / 3.88 MB
3 - "Florida Rain"
00:02:32 / 2.91 MB
4 - "Are You The One?"
00:03:05 / 3.52 MB
5 - "Sea Lion Woman"
00:03:10 / 3.62 MB
6 - "Blacksnake In The Carport"
00:03:07 / 3.56 MB
7 - "Carve It Out"
00:03:26 / 3.92 MB
8 - "You Belong To Me"
00:04:05 / 4.67 MB
9 - "As She Came Out Of The Water"
00:02:50 / 3.25 MB
10 - "Don't Let Me Out"
00:03:28 / 3.96 MB
Recording info
- Lyrics and music by Matt Bauer, except "You Belong To Me" by Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart, and Chilton Price
- Matt Bauer: vocals, banjo and guitar
- Recorded on 13 April 2008 at the hinah hq Deutschland by Eloïse Orseau