Les cinq mots choisis par Dan Matz :
Marvin Gaye "Inner City Blues"
The Clash "The Magnificient 7"
Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues"
The first song I heard today. I live very far from any solid radio transmissions and this was barely popping through the a.m. radio. It is always such a joy when I find a good radio station to listen to. It's such a rarity. This canadian soul station eased me into the day.
The calm from calamity. I decided to get away from the project I was working on today and venture into the woods for a last walk before the winter snows bury the trails. When I am walking in the woods I try to make every move with non-associative intent and notice every leave tread upon.
This is what happens when you go for too long a walk in the woods. The peaceful sounds become a cacophony. You forget where are you are and why.
The Clash "The Magnificient 7"
I tried to reinvigorate myself after my long walk. Unfortunately (fortunately?), I was reinspired to lock myself back in the studio after a couple of listens to this song. I dance in the kitchen so I can slide like James Brown across the linoleum floor.
Someone very close to me would always tell me dusk was there favorite time of day. Hundreds of days upon days. Every dusk I think of that person now. I realize that, in many ways, we do not share the same dusk.
- Amish Records
- Talitres
- Young God Records