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Greg Weeks - Cinq digressions

Greg Weeks

"Cinq digressions"

Les premiers albums de Greg Weeks ont tout de suite fait leur petit effet avec un jeu de guitare et une voix qui a rappelé Nick Drake (ce qui était un vrai compliment dans le cas de Greg). Depuis, il a pris une voie de traverse en ajoutant des éléments plus psychédéliques à son folk. Sa superbe voix et ses compositions étant toujours aussi épatantes.

Les cinq mots choisis par Greg Weeks :

Oh boy, that melancholic shift from clear view to scrim of unknowning is just so sad and wonderful and fulfilling. It seeps profoundly into my world view, like a 70's movie broadcast during the 80's - pan and scan - on VHF television. Something about dusk is shot through with an undeniably optimistic tension.

Spining wheels is useless. Every step must be towards betterment or change. It's not about new territory in general, but what's new to you. Best to stop altogether than to stand in place, marching.

I don't deny its influence on me. My perception is continually warped by intrinsic responses toward skin and its tenderest parts. My own flesh is in revolt, so I spend much time fantazing about and imagining the flesh of others. It's not a bad thing.

Catherine Ribeiro's fashettos at the end of "Paix". Exaltation is godliness, and positivism, and power. It is flesh made good. It is pure. Every step I take musically is in its direction. Why shoot low?

Sometimes I just don't understand how all this is supposed to work.

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