Colin Faivre
"Itinéraires II"
After seven years of hibernation, this is our first release under the new version of the hinah series, recorded by a French musician, Colin Faivre. Colin plays the baritone banjo, however not in a traditional manner. He likes improvising and experimenting, unfurling deep sounds, casting an ear towards Indian ragas or Middle-Eastern music, taking us in flights of arpeggios and wild rides, or on the contrary delivering much more parsimonious notes to let the listener enjoy internal journeys.
Recording info
- Titles -
1. Ad Lib
2. Chute Libre
3. Amerrissage en eaux Troubles
4. Terra Incognita
5. Traversée Nocturne
6. Brume Matinale
Artwork by
Fabrique de Signes